14 November 2006

Castel Sant'Angelo

The extraordinary Castel Sant'Angelo with the two big guardians statue of Saint Peter and Saint Paul ( left and right) . It is located near Vatican City and close to tevere river ; it was connected to the Vatican church with a secret passage to protect Pope in case of war.

Lo straordinario Castel Sant'Angelo con le due grandi statue dei guardiano San Pietro ( a sx) e San Paolo ( a dx) . Il castello si trova vicino la città del Vaticano e sulla sponda destra del Tevere. E' un antica fortezza collegata alla chiesa di San Pietro attraverso un passaggio segreto adoperato in passati dai Papi come via di fuga in caso di attacco.

1 comment:

GiuCe said...

nice blog... Roma is always impressive in every detail.

greetings from Trujillo-Peru