04 March 2006

Largo Argentina

Largo di Torre Argentina in center area is well known as sacred area. It is ruins of 4 temples of II or IV century b.c. It's well known for the beautiful Theather TEATRO ARGENTINA.

Largo di Torre Argentina nel centro citta' e' meglio conosciuta come l'area sacra . sono le rovine di 4 templi risalenti al II o IV secolo a.c. Nota per il bellissimo teatro Argentina sul lato ovest dell'area.


hfkais said...

Very grand place. it's cool.

Rodney said...
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Rodney said...

I remember this place. Lots of cats and close to Pantheon.

I deleted the first comment.

Lisi said...

Wow, this is older than Pompeii? in the centre of Rome too!

Cynthia Quiros said...

great palce!! I´d love to visit it some day...rome is just beautiful!

Joe said...

yes , in the center of Rome ... you can see every where the ancient world

Anonymous said...

Dove sono i gatti?

I know this spot well as I would take the bus near there up to Gianicolo where I was staying, after visiting the city centre. And would look at all the stray cats, and try to have something to feed them.